The Majority of U.S. Muslims Admit Satisfied on Obama

The majority of Muslims in the United States were satisfied with the policy direction of their country. That's the sound of a survey released ahead of the 10th anniversary of Al Qaeda attacks on New York and Pentagon.

Pew Research Center found that most Muslims in America feel the majority of Americans to be friendly or neutral toward them. Unlike the majority of the public who are dissatisfied with the direction of the country, 56 percent of the 2.75 million Muslims in the U.S. say they satisfied. Seven out of ten people see Obama using his position well. The survey has a margin of error of 5 percent and was conducted between April-July through phone interviews.

Broadly speaking, since 2007 there has been little change in the way of American Muslims see how they are treated. Two-thirds of those polled said the quality of life of Muslims in the United States better than in most Muslim countries.

In 2007 only a quarter of Muslim Americans believe the U.S. war against terrorism is a sincere presence. Meanwhile, this year the number jumped to 43 percent who believe the war was sincere.

American Muslim attitudes toward Al Qaeda terror attacks and has not changed much in four years, with 81 percent saying suicide bombings and other violence against civilians to defend Islam is never justified, and 1 percent said justified.

Satisfaction among Muslim Americans for Obama is reflected in the 76 percent who welcomed Obama's performance, and nine out of 10 of them say vote Democrat in 2008.

Muslim support for Obama in contrast to what happened to the predecessor of the Republican Party, George Bush.

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